by Erin & Xani

Tonight we had the pleasure of attending our first Bacon Happy Hour at a bar in Fells Point (fittingly) called Bad Decisions. We first heard about this event in this Baltimore Sun article (featuring fellow blogger The Hungover Gourmet) and immediately put it in our calendars. (We also started following Bad Decisions on Twitter for any bacon-y updates!)
Xani and Matt arrived at the bar first, and what's the first thing they do? Put a pint glass of bacon in front of them. Can you hear the bacon angels singing?
Matt "patiently" waits for Xani to snap a picture...
bacon with bacon on the side
As promised in the Sun article, the bar re-vamped their entire menu to be laced with bacon-y goodness. They even had bacon-ified cocktails! We ordered the "BLTinis" (BLT sliders), bacon cheese fries, and bacon chili with bacon-laced cornbread. Other items included bacon-wrapped plantains, bacon grilled cheese, bacon guacamole, and maple-bacon cupcakes for dessert.
We did not order any bacon cocktails, but rather enjoyed Baltimore's Finest beer, Natty Boh.
It was a fun crowd and definitely a unique experience. I hope they have another one soon!
Happy bacon-eating,
X & EP